Jobo.TV is Web Server and Web Services Application platform.Using Jobo.TV you can: Browse your files, see photos, watch movies, listen to your music in a browser while your phone is still in your pocket Record your recent GPS location data in a SQL database for later retrieve. The routes and positions can be viewed inside a builtin map viewer in the browser. Periodically send your Server39;s Name, Description, IP and GPS data to Anyone can search for your server by name or description. Develop new Web Server applications on Windows, and employ them on your mobile phone.Core features: Supported Platforms: Android 1.6, Windows x32, x64 and Linux HTTP Web server asynchronous, eventdriven, with support of HTTP1.1, SSL and unlimited number of active connections. Nonblocking Eventdriven IO JavaScript similar to Node.js, but with support of multiple threads and multiple script contexts. Memory efficient : single or more threads can run multiple scripts simultaneously. Built in SQLite database File system support networking supportImplemented web applications: Web Server Administration logs, network interfaces, information AddRemove users and privileges IP and Location can send periodic updates of IP and Location to portal for later search or redirect. This is similar to Dynamic DNS services. File manager download or upload files, add or delete files and directories. GPS tracker records your GPS positions into local database. Messages remote users can send messages Notifications alert user when message is received, or user logged in Visit to download Windows versions as well to report for suggestions and bugs.更多