Hong Kong National Geopark Hong Kong National Geopark was developed to preserve the valuable geological relics, landforms, ecological environment and cultural landscapes of Hong Kong and enhancing the popularization of earth science under the premise of sustainable development. Visiting the Geopark, you can appreciate Hong Kong’s natural beauty, experience local culture and learn about the ecological environment as well as geological history of Hong Kong. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has launched this “Hong Kong National Geopark” Android application to showcase the unique geological features and landforms of the Geopark by means of audio, video and text. The application also introduces geotour routes, with real-time function, for users to select the one that best suits their interest and physical ability, as well as the weather conditions at the time of visit, to enjoy the breathtaking views of the geological features and landforms of the Geopark. 中国香港国家地质公园中国香港国家地质公园的设立旨在保护中国香港珍贵的地质遗迹、地貌、生态环境和人文景观, 在可持续发展的前提下, 促进地球科学知识的普及。游览地质公园, 除了欣赏自然美景、体验当地文化, 还可以认识生态环境和中国香港的地质历史。 渔农自然护理署推出「中国香港国家地质公园」的 Android应用程序, 以声音、录像及文字展现了中国香港国家地质公园独特的地质及地貌特征。这个应用程序并介绍地质游览路线, 同时配有在线功能, 让市民可应个人兴趣、体力及天气环境选择不同路线来欣赏地质公园内最动人的地质地貌景致。更多