Get detailed weather forecasts on your phone with the Yandex.Weather app for Android.Find out the current temperature, wind speed, pressure and humidity at a glance.The background color and graphics also change depending on your local weather.Open the app to get a detailed forecast for the day and an overview of the next nine days. Also the state of water in the background picture will help you assess the situation at a glance. Use the search feature to view the weather in a different town or city, while keeping your location as the default. Your default city can easily be changed in the settings menu.The desktop widget comes in two sizes, 2x1 and 4x1. Its background also changes depending on the weather, for example, the colder it is outside the more the icon freezes up. If you want to leave your background as it is, select the transparent widget background option. You can change the level of transparency in the settings menu. You can also select how often weather information should be updated or manually install updates. Please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the License Agreement before installing the app:更多