*** please contact me by email, to report issues *** Alcohol Calculator estimates blood alcohol content (BAC) in promilles. After adding alcoholic drinks and time when they were finished drinking it displays concentration of the alcohol in the blood, time when the level drops to allowable by law for driving and time when one is sober. You can set allowable level by country.Set your weight and sex in the settings (as well as other preferences) and add drinks including time when they were finished drinking. Now you can also provide drinking duration (first tap on the button marks start of drinking, second allows to choose a drink after finishing it).Application allows using metric units as well as those used in US or UK. It includes intoxication thresholds for many countries. Other features:- up to three days of drinking history- Current as well as maximum blood alcohol content may be displayed.- adding drinks from predefined list (now you can manage the list and display it with one tap - one tap if drinking is started or long tap always)- selecting volume and percentage from predefined list- long press on drop down while creating drink to edit value- there is a profile setting for metabolism speed Note that the application tries to give as much accurate result as possible, but it can't guarantee any accuracy. To be sure of your real BAC use breathalyser.Please email me your comments, bug reports or any other doubts about how the program works! Thank you for using the app! Keywords: alcodroid alternative, alcohol tracker, bac, blood alcohol content, Drink Awareness, drink tracker, beer, wine, vodka, sober, drunk ***请通过电子邮件与我联系,报告问题*** 酒精计算器估计在promilles的血液酒精含量(BAC)。 酒类饮品及时间,当他们喝完后,其血液中的酒精浓度,时间显示的水平下降到法律允许的驾驶时是清醒的。您可以设置允许水平的国家。设置你的体重和性别的设置(以及其他的喜好),并添加包括时间,当他们喝完的饮料。现在你也可以提供饮用水的持续时间(第一次点击的按钮来开始喝酒,第二次完成后,可以选择喝一杯)。应用程序允许使用公制单位,以及那些在美国或英国。它包括许多国家的中毒阈值。 其他功能:- 长达三天的饮酒史- 电流以及最大的血液中酒精含量可能会显示。- 增加从预定义列表中的饮料(现在你可以管理列表,并显示它与一个水龙头 - 一个水龙头开始饮酒或长期点选永远)- 选择从预定义列表中的数量和比例;- 长按降下来,同时创造喝编辑值- 有一个配置文件设置的代谢速度 需要注意的是应用程序试图让尽可能多精确的结果,但它可以不提供任何保证精度。可以肯定的是你真正的BAC使用酒精测试。请给我发电子邮件您的宝贵意见,错误报告或任何其他疑问,该程序是如何工作的!感谢您使用的应用程序! 关键词:alcodroid替代品,酒精跟踪,细菌,血液中的酒精含量,饮酒意识,跟踪饮料,啤酒,葡萄酒,伏特加酒,清醒,醉 更多