With you can automatically: ✔ Send calls to voicemail and reply with a predefined SMS to their calls. ✔ Reply to all incoming text messages and let people know that you are driving and will respond shortly. ✔ Save those SMS for further reference. ✔ Select white list numbers, which will always come through ✔ Trigger the app either manually or via a simple NFC tag ✔ Google Text to Speech engine support - now the app will read out the name of the caller or text message sender, works over bluetooth as well! Please download. enable and upgrade your TTS app here to use this feature: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.ttshl=en More info here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1062965?hl=en ✔ The app doesn't use GPS/WiFi/Cell positioning, it knows when you have started it and thus has 0 battery drainage - you can now use an NFC tag to toggle the app on and off. Features in development:✔ Reply to emails Please email us your suggestions so we can put them on our list. 以“安全驾驶”可以自动: ✔将来电转到语音信箱和预定义的短信到他们的电话回复。 ✔全部回复收到的短信,让人们知道你在开车,不久将作出回应。 ✔保存以备将来参考这些短信。 ✔选择白名单的数字,这将永远来通过 ✔触发应用程式手动或通过一个简单的NFC标签 ✔谷歌文本到语音引擎支持 - 现在的应用程序将读出呼叫者或短信发送者的名字,作品通过蓝牙的! 请下载。使这里升级您的TTS的应用程序使用此功能: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.ttshl=en 更多资讯: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1062965?hl=en ✔这个应用程序不使用GPS / WIFI /单元的定位,它知道什么时候你已经开始,并因而具有0电池排水 - 您现在可以使用NFC标签来切换和关闭应用程序。 特点开发:✔回复电子邮件 请给我们发电子邮件您的建议,所以我们可以把它们放在我们的名单上。 更多