Use your device in any orientation with most intuitive and customisable manager! -XDA Developers -Phone Arena -addictivetips ABOUTRotation is a tool to control device orientation. It offers all the modes that Android supports and you can also override each app settings to rotate according to your need. It doesn't matters that app has that mode, it completely overrides the app and system settings. Let's give it a try and it also has lots of other useful features. Support and News on Facebook:- Google+ community:- FEATURES LanguagesEnglish, Deutsch, Frane, 中文 (简体) Supported modesSystem default modes* Auto-Rotate On * Auto-Rotate OffModes to override system settings* Forced Auto-Rotate * Forced Portrait * Forced Landscape* Reverse Portrait * Reverse Landscape* Sensor Landscape * Forced Full SensorLock Current:- Lock current orientation Per App Settings* Set orientation for individual apps * Set Lock screen, Phone call, Charging, Headset and Dock orientation* Android 5.0 (L/Lollipop) supported # Rotate on demand* Floating head: Fully customisable head on top of every app to change foreground orientation* Quick notification: Change foreground orientation from notification Notifications* Enable for uninterrupted service* Select click action* Add toggles to change orientation quickly Widgets* Service widget: Toggle service* Mode widget: Toggle between two selected modes* Dynamic widget: Add toggles according to your need* Lock screen support (Android 4.2.2+) User Interface* Light and dark base themes inspired from Material UI* Theme accents with support for Xperia™ theme accents Other features# Rotation Automate:- Tasker / Locale plugin support to automate over 20 actions* Rotation Shortcuts:- Add fully customisable shortcuts to your home screen * Start on boot:- Start rotation service on boot* Vibration:- To notify when screen orientation changes with customisable vibration length* Help and Info:- Detailed info about orientation modes and easy to understand Tutorial In-built support# Backup and Restore* Restore defaults* Restart app* Uninstall option Features marked with # are free for 7 days. After that Rotation Key is required. PERMISSIONSUsage statistics (5.0+): For per app settingsRetrieve running apps: For per app settingsModify system settings: To change system settingsDraw over other apps: To change foreground orientationRun at startup: To start service when device boots upVibration: To vibrate device when orientation changesModify USB storage: To create and restore backup (nothing else) NOTICE- No internet and root required- Some apps might not work properly when forced to work on portrait/landscape mode. Use Auto-Rotate On/Off from Per App Settings to use system settings for those apps. - Contact me, if you want to translate.- Please write reason also if you are giving Bad rating. This is a free app. Buy Rotation Key if you want to support.Promo Video by Max PatchsAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc.Xperia™ is a registered trademark of Sony Mobile Communications AB 使用您的设备与最直观的,可定制的经理任何方向!“旋转让你把你的设备的方向设置的完全控制。” -XDA开发商“令人难以置信的是完整的,专业的和抛光的应用程序。” - 电话竞技场“旋转需求,您可以在飞行中选择屏幕旋转,而无需先切换到应用程序。” -addictivetips 关于旋转控制设备的方向的工具。它提供了Android支持的所有模式,你也可以覆盖每个应用程序设置,根据您的需要旋转。它不事项的应用程序有一个模式,它完全覆盖了应用程序和系统设置。让我们给它一个尝试,它也有许多其他有用的功能。支持和新闻在Facebook上: -社群: -功能语言英语,德语,法语,波兰语,Pусский,Te,中文(简体)支持的模式系统默认模式* 的自动旋转开 * 的自动旋转关闭模式覆盖系统设置* 的强制自动旋转 * 的强制人像 * 的强制景观* 的纵向反转 * 的横向反转* 传感器景观 * 的强制满传感器锁定电流: - 锁定当前的方向每个应用程序设置* 设置各个应用方向* 设置锁屏,电话,充电,耳机和码头方向支持 * 的是Android 5.0(L /棒棒堂)#旋转按需* 的浮动头:对每一个应用程序的顶部完全可定制的头改变方向的前景* 快捷通知:更改前景从通知方向通知* 启用不间断服务* 的选择点击操作* 添加切换迅速改变方向小工具* 服务窗口小部件:拨动服务* 的模式小窗口:两个选择的模式间切换* 的动态小工具:根据您的需要添加切换* 的锁屏界面支持(Android版4.2.2+)用户界面* 的光,并从材料UI灵感暗贱主题* 的主题为的Xperia™主题口音的支持口音其他功能#的旋转自动化: - 塔斯克/区域设置插件的支持超过20个动作自动化* 的旋转快捷键: - 完全自定义的快捷方式添加到您的主屏幕* 标签上的引导启动: - 开机启动旋转服务* 振动: - 要通知时,屏幕方向可定制的振动长度变化* 的帮助和信息: - 关于定位模式和详细信息易于理解的教程内置支持#的备份和恢复* 还原默认值* 重新启动应用程序* 的卸载选项特性标记#免费为7天。之后,旋转钥匙是必需的。权限使用情况统计(5.0 +):对于每个应用程序设置检索正在运行的应用:对于每个应用程序设置修改系统设置:要更改系统设置在其他应用:要更改前景方向启动时运行:要启动服务时,设备启动振动:的振动设备方向更改时修改USB存储:要创建和还原备份(没有别的)注意- 需要没有互联网和根- 时用力要在人像/风景模式下运行一些应用程序可能无法正常工作。使用自动旋转开/关从每个应用程序设置使用系统设置这些应用程序。- 与我联系,如果你想翻译。- 请写原因,此外,如果你给差评。这是一个免费的应用程序。购买旋转钥匙,如果你想支持。宣传片由Max斑块 Android是谷歌公司的注册商标。 的Xperia™是索尼移动通信AB的注册商标。 更多