Instead of blocks, stack penguins to form the highest sky pillar ever in this fun stacking birds towers building game. Get into the winter mood with the snow background and avoid doing a jenga fall with the multi coloured tiny penguins. Tap once on the claw to release these cute tiny animals to reach the sky. Feel great that you stacked them well with patience and accuracy. Features:Enjoy the arcade and winter themed game with simple one tap drop mechanicThe sky is the limit as you build a penguin bird towerAvoid the jenga fall by misplacing these birdsClimb to the top of the leaderboards and share your high bird tower building results on facebook This game is a true test of your estimation skills as you create the highest sky tower of tiny penguins by stacking as high as you can! SOCIAL LIKE: 相反块,堆企鹅不断形成最高的天空支柱在这个有趣的堆叠鸟塔建造游戏。进入冬季的心情与雪的背景,避免做积木秋季与多彩色的小企鹅。点击一次就爪释放这些可爱的动物,微小到达天空。感觉好极了,你有耐心和准确性堆放好。 产品特点:享受街机和冬季为主题的游戏与简单的一个水龙头滴技工天空才是极限为您打造一个企鹅鸟塔通过乱放这些鸟避免积木秋天爬上排行榜的顶部,在Facebook上分享你的高的鸟塔建设成果 此游戏是你的估计能力的真正考验你通过堆叠高,你可以创建微小的企鹅最高的天空塔! 社会如下 更多