The fastest and most awesome way to find streaming **movies and tv shows** to rent or buy, across most major services. Never waste time checking each individual service again! - Roberto Baldwin, 11/01/2011 currently searches iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, VUDU, Crackle, EPIX, Streampix, Redbox, and XFinity premium channels; we are continually adding new services to the list, so remember to check back often. If the movie you are looking for is not available, you can: -Set up reminders, or -Push notifications Simply select the movie and the service, and the moment it becomes available for your chosen method of viewing, we will inform you. And the best part – it’s FREE! Services currently searched:- Netflix (Instant and DVD)- Amazon (Prime Instant, Rental, Purchase, DVD, Bluray)- Hulu (including Plus)- YouTube (free / rental)- EPIX- Streampix- Vudu (rental / purchase)- Blockbuster (rental / purchase)- Android (rental)- Redbox (DVD rentals)- XFinity (HBO, Showtime, Encore, Starz, etc) Visit us on the web at CanIStream.It 最快和最真棒流**电影和电视节目**租房还是买房,大部分主要服务。再次检查每一个个性化的服务,永远不要浪费你的时间! “这是像独木舟流媒体服务。” - 罗伯特鲍德温, 11/01/2011 CanIStream.it目前搜索的iTunes,葫芦,Netflix公司,亚马逊即时视频,VUDU,裂纹,EPIX,Streampix,红盒子,XFinity付费频道,我们不断增加新的服务列表中,所以记得要经常检查。 如果你正在寻找的电影是无法使用的,您可以:设置提醒,或- 推送通知 只需选择电影和服务,并在那一刻变得观看您所选择的方法,我们将通知您。 而最好的部分 - 它是免费的! 服务目前搜索的内容:- Netflix公司(即时和DVD)- 亚马逊(总理瞬间,租赁,购买,DVD,蓝光)- 葫芦(其中包括加)- YouTube的(免费/出租)- EPIX- Streampix- VUDU(出租/采购)- 一鸣惊人(租赁/购买)- Android的(出租)- 红盒子(DVD出租)- XFinity(HBO,欣欣,喝采,Starz电视台等) 请访问我们的网站,在CanIStream.It 更多