Sumerian Proverb of the Day / Sumerian Cuneiform Writing Based on the ETCSL collection: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Ebeling, J., Fllyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ( ), Oxford 1998-2006. Direct link to ePSD: The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary ( ) Based on unicode fonts -- with direct link to ePSD. For a line it produces the (UR-III) cuneiform version with links to ePSD For transliteration you can use- 'j' for 'ĝ' and 'c' for 'š',- '/' or '?' before and after determinatives (e.g., /d/en-lil2 or unug/ki/),- '-' or ',' for word parts,- '.' for compound cuneiform,- '(' and ')' to specify used cuneiform, e.g., /d/ba-u2 nin(SAL.KUG) iri-kug-gaor ?d?ba,u2 nin(SAL.KUG) iri,kug,ga IT WORKS ONLY ON STRONG DEVICES (large memory and fast cpu), BECAUSE CUNEIFORM FONTS ARE EXTREMELY HUGE.Please send comments and errors to: cs.veg@weaveworld.org更多