Temples of India wallpapers features various Indian temples and holy places! Perfect for those who love to travel!Features:▷ Save images as wallpaper ▷ Share with friends via Facebook, Twitter, SMS, email and more▷ Contains 45 wallpapersAll images copyright their respective owners.Legal notice: We believe our images fall under the fair use doctrine as they are reduced size and excerpted for informational purposes. However, if you would like to request removal of an image from our collection for copyright reasons, feel free to contact us at dreamtreemobile@gmail.com and wes task is active when an advertisement is requested. This is a workaround for the lack of global notifications about the active state of Android applications.android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE is used for accounting and auditing purposes by advertising networks. Advertising networks use anonymous unique identifiers to limit the number of impressions and clicks attributed to individual users. android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER is used to set the home screen background wallpaper.android.permission.VIBRATE is used to vibrate the phone on successful completion of setting the wallpaper.android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is used to save images to the SD card. Images are automatically saved in a sub-folder of /wallpapers/ on your SD card named based on this app. They are only saved to the SD card when you set them as a wallpaper. This way, if you remove the app, you will retain the wallpapers on the SD card. You may delete the wallpapers from your SD card if you wish without affecting the functionality of the app.更多