This is the Trial Version of app is designed for Engineers and Geologists that are working with rock mechanics and is used as a handy tool, which accelerates the field work with geomechanical stations.Geostation allows you to carry out the following functions:• Geomechanical station (measuring the dips, dip directions and strikes of discontinuity sets using the mobile device as a compass-clinometer)• Geomechanical classification by the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system (After Bieniawski 1989), the Rock Tunnelling Quality Index, Q is indicated as well• Each recorded geostation can be localised by GPS• Each recorded geostation can be documented by a photo.• A quick overview over all recorded geostations of a project is provided by a map function, using aerial photos or plane map views.• Report generation including all data and photo in PDF format is done directly on the device.• All data can be provided by .CSV files and photos (.JPG format).• The files can be sent by email or uploaded to the users Dropbox account right from the site you are working on.• Export the data in KMZ format for viewing on a desktop PCAll above mentioned functions will be done very fast, allowing user to minimize long in situ testing time.for more info please consult the apps manual at:更多