This application will try to help you to become a master of JLPT as soon as possible! Main Features: 1.You can choose to start a completely new or continue a unfinished test of JLPT. 2.You can view the results of a finished Test or ReDo it . 3.A Graph of test history is available to make sure You can check your learning curve . 4.You can review the wrongly answered questions one by one in SlideShow. 5.This application supports Japanese and English. If you have any advices please do let me Know . thanks in advance! 此应用程序将尝试帮助你成为高手JLPT尽快! 主要特点: 你可以选择一个全新的开始或继续未完成的测试JLPT。 2。您可以查看成品的测试结果,或重做。 3.A图形测试的历史记录,以确保您可以检查您的学习曲线。 你可以检讨错误回答的问题一个接一个在幻灯片中。 5,本应用程序支持日语和英语。 如果您有任何意见,请不要让我知道。提前感谢! 更多