The National Employment Service is a division of the Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development in the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.Our goal is to equip the jobseeker with the necessary tools to get a job and to provide the employer with a quick, easy and effective job matching facility, at no cost.We operate a network of offices located throughout the country and are committed to delivering the following services: - On-line registration of job vacancies - On-line registration of jobseekers - Employment counselling - Job interviews and referrals - Recruitment of workers for overseas employment - Career guidanceThe NES system is accessible globally on the worldwide web at and provides an on-line entry point to the National Employment Service. With the launch of the NES Mobile apps, jobseekers can now use their smartphones (Android, Blackberry and iOS) to view job vacancies, post resumes and apply for jobs online. Likewise, employers can post job vacancies and view resumes of suitable candidates.更多