12/9/12: Replies to comments below.----The 2012 Spartacus Workout is from Men's Health. Disclaimer: You might puke your brains out the first time you try it.Okay, so if you're looking to lean out, gain muscle, or get as fit as a Spartan, this is an awesome circuit training workout for just that. It's pretty intense so be warned!All you need is a pair of dumbbells, making it a great home workout. I'd recommend picking a weight that you can do at least 15 reps of Shoulder Presses with. So if that's 25lbs, then stick with a pair of 25lb dumbbells for now...There are 10 exercises total. You'll be doing 40 seconds of high intensity and 20 seconds rest for each exercise. After each round you get 2 minutes of rest. It's up to you how many rounds you want to do. 3-4 rounds, 3 times a week is most effective. ----Please consult a doctor first before trying out any new workout programs.----12/9/12:Thanks everyone for supporting this app and sending me helpful comments. Just letting you know that I'm reading them all. Below is a response to some concerns.Help:Q. How do I restart the circuit for Android 2.x?A. Click the menu button and click . For Android 3.0+ this is in plain view.Q. How come there is no autorestart?A. Ran out of time, but the next update will have this.Q. Can you improve the instructions?A. Yes, I will do this for the next update.Q. Does this work on tablets?A. Yes, but the images are not scaled... next update will fix this.更多