A High Quality voice recorder for wave and mp3 files. Edit on-the-fly,by rewinding and recording over mistakes or unwanted sounds. It can also be used as a spy recorder. Just schedule a recording to start in background with screen off. This is a lite version. It can save up to 3 recordings of a maximun 1 min duration each and has ads. Please consider upgrading to pro version if you like it to remove ads and other limitations Features:* Record in wav or mp3 format. mp3 takes a lot less space on your sd card but it consumes more battery* choose an encoding rate for mp3 from 8Kb/s up to 224Kb/s* During recording you may pause recording, resume, or go back to a previous time before resuming again.* During playback you can move fast forward or fast backward at a preselected period* long press on an existing recording and append more to it, crop it, or send it via mail* you may select to continue recording in the background after exiting the application* you can schedule a recording to start at a predefined time and keep the screen off, if you wish. please note that recording other people without them knowing is forbidden by law in many countries. The developers of this application are not responsible for any illegal use of the application. 一个高品质的语音记录器的波形和MP3文件。 编辑对飞,经复卷和记录了错误的或不需要的声音。它也可以用来作为间谍录音机。只是预定录制开始在背景屏幕关闭。 这是一个精简版的版本。它最多可节省最高可1分钟时间内每个并有广告,以3录音。请考虑升级到专业版,如果你喜欢它,删除广告和其他限制 产品特点:*记录以WAV或MP3格式。 MP3花费少了很多的空间你的SD卡,但它消耗更多的电池*选择一个编码速率从的8Kb / s的MP3可达224KB / S*在录制过程中,你可能会暂停录音,恢复,或返回到以前的时候再恢复之前。*在播放过程中,你可以在预定时间快速前进或快退*长按现有的记录,并追加更多的它,裁剪,或通过邮件发送*您可以选择继续在后台录制退出应用程序后,*您可以预定录制开始在预定的时间,并保持屏幕关闭,如果你想。 请注意,记录别人不知道他们是由法律在许多国家被禁止。这个应用程序的开发者不负责任何非法使用的应用程序。 更多