Blend various audio sources into one with this tool. This app supports audio folders/files/tone generators/white noise + echo/recording. Notice: The more items you use the more performant device you need. With this audio tool you can blend following sources (more than once):★ Music / sound file - single file to play.★ Music / sound folder - folder with files to play in order, randomly or looped (+ filter audio files by extensions).★ Tone generator - continuous or interleaved tone with set frequency.★ Noise - infinite generated white noise / brown noise.★ Microphone - sophisticated item that can record / instantly playback microphone data or both. Features:★ The most advanced tool for blending audio.★ Able to play following sounds data formats: 3gp, mp4, m4a, aac, ts, flac, mp3, mid, xmf, mxmf, rtttl, rtx, ota, imy, ogg, mkv, wav.★ Able to record in following formats: 3gp, wav (8000 Hz, 11025 Hz, 16000 Hz, 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz).★ Save / load your custom sets. How to:1) When app starts please click 'Add' button for create audio source.2) From list of sound/music sources choose the one you want to add to list of blended audio sources.3) If chosen source is configurable then dialog with options will show up (In case of Microphone/File/Folder sources you will have to choose folder with or for data first).4) When you set up your list you may click 'Play' button to play blended sounds/music or other audio sources.5) If you want to save/load set with defined list please click 'Save'/'Load' button. *) Click 'Active'/'Inactive' toggle button for disable music object without removing it.*) You can add many sources of all types excluding microphone that may be added only once.*) You can change volume for every sound object while 'stop' or 'play' phase.*) While using 'Folder' audio source you can use 'Filter extensions' to choose which music files you want to play.*) Explore more features that are not mentioned in this guide. Ads:May be easily ignored if you don't want to support this app.They appear on exit. *** *** ***Fell free to write comments / suggestions about app. I will try to respond to all questions. 混合各种音频源到一个使用这个工具。此应用程序支持的音频文件夹/文件/音频发生器/白噪声+回声/录制。 注意:更多的项目,你用你所需要的更高性能的设备。 有了这个音频工具,你可以混合下列来源(不止一次):★音乐/声音文件 - 单个文件播放。★音乐/声音文件夹 - 文件夹中的文件,以发挥,随机或循环(+通过扩展过滤器的音频文件)。★音频发生器 - 连续或交错的色调与设定频率。★噪音 - 无限生成的白噪声/棕噪。★麦克风 - 可以录制/播放即时麦克风数据或两者复杂的项目。 产品特点:★对于混合音频的最先进的工具。★能够发挥以下声音数据格式:3GP,MP4,M4A,AAC,TS,FLAC,MP3,MID,XMF,mxmf,RTTTL,RTX,OTA,IMY,OGG,MKV,WAV。★能在下面的格式来记录:3GP,WAV(8000赫兹,11025赫兹,16000赫兹,22050赫兹,44100赫兹)。★保存/载入您的自定义设置。 如何:1)当应用程序启动时,请单击“添加”按钮,创建音频源。2)从声音/音乐源的列表中选择要添加到混合音频信号源列表中的之一。3)如果选择了源是可配置的,然后用选项对话框将会出现(如遇麦克风/文件/文件夹的来源,你必须先选择文件夹或数据)。4)当您设置您的列表,你可以点击“播放”按钮来播放声音混合/音乐或其他音频来源。5)如果你想保存/加载设置定义的列表,请单击“保存”/“载入”按钮。 *)点击“有效”/“无效”切换为禁止对象的音乐按钮而不删除。*)可以添加各种类型的不含可添加一次麦克风的许多来源。*)可以改变音量,而“停止”或“播放”阶段每一个声音对象。*)当使用“文件夹”音频源可以使用“过滤器扩展”来选择你要播放的音乐文件。*)探索未在本指南中提到的更多的功能。 广告:可以很容易地忽略,如果你不希望支持这个应用程序。他们出现在出口处。 *** *** ***下跌自由写程序的意见/建议。我会尽量对所有问题作出回应。 更多