English to Urdu dictionary from NerdCats. It contains 35602 words together for you to search live. Keep your favorites, get the words of the day and history of what you have searched just a while ago. also have live dictionary service . Feature :- Support both English to Urdu and Urdu to English mode. tab the toggle 'E' button to change the mode- live dictionary service . will appear on your screen for all time . tab live button for on and off.- Favorite option .- recent option . 英语乌尔都语从NerdCats字典。它包含了35602字共同为您搜索现场。保持你的收藏夹,得到你所搜索的只是前一阵子白天和历史的话。也有活字典服务。 特点:- 同时支持英语和乌尔都语乌尔都语为英文模式。选项卡切换“E”按钮来改变模式- 活词典服务。会出现在屏幕上的所有时间。标签直播按钮开启和关闭。- 最喜欢的选项。- 最近的选项。 更多