DealerLocator is an easy way of finding your nearest Volvo Penta Dealer. You can find the closest dealer based upon your current location. Filter the map specifying what services and product you are interested in. The list of dealers is based on what you see in the map but you can also search in the list to locate your dealer based upon name, address and web. With DealerLocator you can find both marine and industrial dealers in most regions of the world. For each dealer you will find the following information: Dealer information:
* Telephone number
* Email
* Web page
* Location and address
* Distance to dealer from your location
* List of available services
* Opening hours
* Products (Marin and/or Industrial)
- Marine Leisure Engines
- Marine Commercial Engines
- Industrial Engines
- Accessible by water
- Hull repairs
- Crane
- Fuel Station
- Mobile service
- Engine selling dealer DealerLocator是一个简单的方法找到离您最近的Volvo Penta经销商。您可以根据您当前所在的位置寻找最近的经销商。指定哪些服务和产品感兴趣的经销商列表是基于你在地图上看到的,但你也可以搜索在列表中找到根据您的经销商的名称,地址和网页过滤的地图。 随着DealerLocator,你可以找到在世界大部分地区的海洋和工业经销商。 对于每一个经销商,你会发现以下信息: 经销商信息:
- 海洋休闲引擎
- 商用船发动机
- 工业发动机
- 无障碍水
- 赫尔维修
- 起重机
- 加油站
- 移动服务
- 发动机销售交易商 更多