German Vietnamese Dictionary Offline: With nearly 44,000 German - Vietnamese words and over 12,000 Vietnamese - German, this is the most sufficient free German - Vietnamese, Vietnamese - German offline dictionary for android with words updated regularly in term of quantity of words and their meaning. Program has attractive interface, easy to use with function of automatically saving 150 newest words (History), and allows you to save and delete your saved words (Saved words). If you have any questions or suggestions for programs, please send mail to the address Note:Click button Menu on device and select German - Vietnamese)-----------Từ điển Đức Việt Offline: Với tr nghĩa của từ.
Chương trm (Saved words).
Nếu cng gửi mail về địa chỉ 德语越南语词典离线: 拥有近44,000德文 - 越南话和超过12,000越南 - 德国,这是最充分的自由德文 - 越南,越南 - 德国离线字典为Android用言语文字及其含义量的长期定期更新。 程序具有界面美观,易于使用的自动保存最新的150个字(历史)功能的使用,并允许您保存和删除已保存的话(保存的话)。 如果你有计划有任何问题或建议,请发送邮件到地址 注意:点击按钮,菜单上的设备,然后选择德语 - 越南语)-----------TUđiểnĐức越南离线: VOI特伦44,000 TUĐức越南VA甘12,000 TU越南Đức,đ博徒điểnĐức越南,越南Đức离线勉披DANH町的androidđầyDJU山一VAđược帽山一THUONG XUYEN CAC涂VA NGHIA CUA恩。 CHUONG郑氏VOI GIAO二烯đẹp,迪生粪,CO车DJO涂động琉150 MOI恩山一M禁令泉潭(保存的话)。 NEU合作蝙蝠铜忒MAC乙酸đngGOP町CHUONG郑氏,鑫VUI龙桂邮件VE道琼斯工业平均指数CHI。 更多