THIS IS A TRIAL VERSION OF THE APP. MANY FEATURES ARE DISABLED----------------------------------------------------------------Fractal Player permits the creation of fractal pictures very easily. With the simple use of the fingers it is possible to create also the most complex IFS fractals.The IFS fractal (Iterated Function System) is created through the iterated application of geometric transformations, that must be calculated by using the matrices- internal Guide.keywords:fractal player geometry fractal geometry geometric fractus fraction IFS ifs iterated function system iteration transformation transformations geometric transformation geometric transformations math mathematics physic physics fractal physics music fractal music fractal sound mathematic sound genetic code figure figures codes guide jpeg resolution wave wav colors color scheme schemes pictures picture model fractal model app application file manager files fractal files graphic managing graphics manage audio informatic mathmatics physics economy fractal science sciences fractal player geometry fractal geometry geometric fractus fraction IFS ifs iterated function system iteration transformation transformations geometric transformation geometric transformations math mathematics physic physics fractal physics music fractal music fractal sound mathematic sound genetic code figure figures codes guide jpeg resolution wave wav colors color scheme schemes pictures picture model fractal model app application file manager files fractal files graphic managing graphics manage audio informatic mathmatics physics economy fractal science sciences fractal player geometry fractal geometry geometric fractus fraction IFS ifs iterated function system iteration transformation transformations geometric transformation geometric transformations math mathematics physic physics fractal physics music fractal music fractal sound mathematic sound genetic code figure figures codes guide jpeg resolution wave wav colors color scheme schemes pictures picture model fractal model app application file manager files fractal files graphic managing graphics manage audio informatic mathmatics physics economy fractal science sciences更多