Rustic Cellar, Boca Raton, FL This app will provide you with a great user experience of the latest meal choices and more. Interact with your friends by sharing this app and your favorite dishes. Easy convenient access. Features: - Complete menu listing- Save your favorite items- Restaurant hours- Location - via maps- Tell a friend, via social connect, and email- In-App reservations- Offers/Specials/events-Recommend and share our food items -Frequently added and updated menu items -Notes on food and drink items., local favorites, etc-Exclusive app-user discounts -Notifications on when new menu items are added-Share app with friends via social and email-Ability to make reservations and receive confirmation-Ability to receive turn by turn directions on your device 佛罗里达州博卡拉顿,质朴的酒窖, 这个应用程序会为您提供最新的膳食选择和更出色的用户体验。互动与您的朋友分享这个程序,你爱吃的菜。 简易方便。 产品特点: - 完整的菜单列表- 保存您最喜欢的项目- 餐厅的营业时间- 位置 - 通过地图- 告诉朋友,通过社交连接和电子邮件- 在应用程序保留- /特价商品/信息事件- 推荐和分享我们的食品项目- 添加和更新菜单项- 记食品和饮料项目,当地美食,等- 独家应用程序的用户折扣- 添加新的菜单项时的通知- 通过社会和电子邮件与朋友分享应用程序- 有能力接受预订,并收到确认- 能够在您的设备上接收转由转动方向 更多