Helping students / reviewees for the Electronics Engineering Board Exams. Our goal is to provide an effective, and convenient way for students to maximize their learning and get better results for their exams. Challenge yourself and familiarize with different questions and problems. It has three quiz modes;★ Normal Mode - answer a set of questions without time limit.★ Timed Mode - answer set of questions with time pressure.★ Vitali-3 - accumulate your scores by preventing three mistakes. Choose from 6 (six) available app color-themes; Light, Dark, Yellow, Pink, Blue, and Orange! For more comments and suggestions, just send us an email : 帮助学生/ reviewees的电子工程委员会检查。 我们的目标是为学生提供最大化他们的学习和获得更好的结果为他们的考试有效,便捷的方式。 挑战自己,熟悉不同的问题和困难。它有三个测验方式;★普通模式 - 回答一系列问题,不受时间限制。★定时模式 - 答案设置有时间压力的问题。★维塔利 - 3 - 防止三大误区积累你的分数。 您可以选择6(6)提供的应用程序的颜色主题;光明,黑暗,黄色,粉红色,蓝色和橙色! 欲了解更多的意见和建议,只是给我们发邮件。 更多