Chandigarh Ecocabs is a community based dial-a-rickshaw service for providing better access of cycle rickshaw to the residents of Chandigarh.This apps lets you find an Ecocab rickshaw operator nearby your area and you can directly call them to your doorstep. Operator details include their Name, photo, mobile number and the list of the areas where they are available.Since its the data is crowdsourced, the app also lets you contribute to the project by submitting details of any rickshaw operator you like.Ecocab is a dial-a-cycle-rickshaw similar to dial-a-cab service by balancing its demand and supply through equal distribution of fleet and automation using latest IT tools.Note: This is a beta release. We etc in the next update.Send your suggestions and feedback at contact@ecocabs.orgMore details at http://chandigarh.ecocabs.org更多