Ace Metrix MOBILE XD™ allows subscribers to keep in touch with their creativeassets, brand analytics, and competitive landscape while on the go.Download the app and log in using your existing Ace Metrix LIVE™ or Ace Metrix PRIMETIME™ credentials to access breaking ad data for up to 100 of the most recentads in your subscribed categories. Key Features: Access the latest breaking ads from your subscribed categories directly from your phone. Set preferences to view the latest 100, 50 or 10.- Watch the ad, and sort the list by air date, Ace Score, brand and unread.- Share ads and insights with other LIVE subscribers via the email and SMS features.- Ad data includes the Ace Score and each of the Watchability andPersuasion component scores including Likeability, Information, Attention,Change, Relevance, and Desire.- Track the ad’s effectiveness against a variety of demographic score andnorm comparisons including: gender/age, gender/income, ethnicity, and the presence of children in the household.- View the Ace Scores and all of the components against rolling 90 day category and brand norms; color coded for quick above/below norm view.更多