WheresMyCellPhone is a free site that helps you find your misplaced phone by calling it. According to Murphy's law: A phone will get lost only when it's on silent or vibrate. This is crap, so we've made an app to fix that! Call your phone from WheresMyCellphone.com, and this app will turn up your ringer no matter how quiet you left it! The site only works in US Canada for now! WheresMyCellPhone是一个免费的网站,可以帮助你找到你放错地方的电话通过调用它。 根据墨菲定律:一个电话,就会迷失方向,只有当它的静音或震动。这是废话,所以我们做了一个应用程序来解决这个问题! 拨打您的电话从WheresMyCellphone.com,此应用程序将您的铃声不管你多么的安静离开! 现在,该网站仅适用于美国和加拿大! 更多