1. How do I sign up for the "孕期课程服务" on the app?
Solution: Provide a clear and easy-to-find registration process on the app, with step-by-step instructions for signing up for the pregnancy courses.
2. Where can I find the "营养咨询建议" section on the app?
Solution: Include a dedicated section or tab on the app's homepage specifically for nutrition advice, making it easily accessible to users.
3. How can I track my weight and manage it effectively using the app?
Solution: Develop a feature within the app that allows users to record and track their weight, with additional tips or suggestions for weight control management.
4. Is there a community or forum where I can connect with other expectant mothers?
Solution: Create a social platform within the app where users can join groups, participate in discussions, and connect with other expectant mothers for support and advice.
5. What kind of "艺术胎教" activities are available on the app?
Solution: Provide a detailed list or schedule of the artis