3 LINE INFOTECH is one of the leading Corporate and Individual IT Training Provider, who is specialized in DataPower SOA Appliance and IBM WebSphere training. This app has some demo videos of 3 LINE INFOTECH training on DataPower which is very useful for IT middle-ware engineers who are keen about learning high demand DataPower technology.3 LINE INFOTECH is a renowned provider of Information Technology Services and IT Staffing solutions. Our expertise and decade old experience is unmatched. We offer new cost cutting solutions in the dynamically shifting and competitive marketplace. Our solutions place the best qualified talents on the job, on time and on budget. We offer value- added solutions that match corporate goals and needs.WHAT WE DO-----------------------Web Designing and DevelopmentIT Consulting ServicesCorporate TrainingMobile ProgrammingInternet MarketingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Android App Developmenti OS/iPhone/iPad App DevelopmentCustomer Support ServicesWeb Hosting & Cloud based Support(IaaS and SaaS)