The first step to save as a ninja is to know where your money goes! Saving ninja in an application where you can easily save your expenses. Just click on the button of top-left or drag de left drawer from the left and then you can enter a quantity and optionally, some comment. Once you have clicked the add button, your expenses will be automatically added to the expense list with the actual time and date. If you wish to edit it, just click on it and a right drawer will appears allows you to edit any information related (Date, Time, Quantity and comment). All the expenses are grouped by the day and it will shows you the total expenses per each day. It also have a counter on the top of the list which shows you the total amount of expenses, so you can control better where does your money goes. For any suggestion or comment, please don't be hesitate. I will response them as soon as possible. ==========================================For developers:This is an open source project where you can get the code for freen (Apache V2 Licence). You can find the source code here: 保存为一个忍者的第一步是要知道你的钱哪里去! 保存的忍者在一个应用程序,在那里你可以很容易地节省您的开支。只需点击左上角的按钮或拖动左边的抽屉,从左边,那么你就可以输入数量和选择,一些注释。 一旦你点击“添加”按钮,将自动加入您的费用开支的实际时间和日期列表。 如果你想进行编辑,只需点击它,并正确的抽屉会出现允许你编辑任何相关的信息(日期,时间,数量和注释)。 所有的费用进行分组的一天,它会显示你的每一天的总费用每。 它也有一个计数器的列表,显示您的开支总额的顶部上,这样你就可以更好地控制你的钱哪里去。 如有任何建议或意见,请不要犹豫。我会响应他们尽快。 ==========================================对于开发人员:这是一个开源项目,在那里你可以得到的代码为freen(Apache V2牌照的)。您在这里可以找到源代码: 更多