Learn the key terms and concepts you need to ace your AP® exam on your phone or tablet with AP Exam Review Flashcards. Choose from 11 popular AP courses, pick topics to practice, and then swipe flashcards with vocabulary terms and essential concepts into the “Got It” or “Study Again” piles until you’ve mastered them all.***Features***> The app is designed for phones or tablets.> Choose from 11 popular AP courses all from within just one app –one location for all your AP studying. Courses include the following:>> AP Biology (951 cards)>> AP Calculus AB (151 cards)>> AP Calculus BC (199 cards)>> AP English Language and Composition (265 cards)>> AP English Literature and Composition (372 cards)>> AP Environmental Science (780 cards)>> AP European History (1027 cards)>> AP Psychology (628 cards)>> AP Statistics (176 cards)>> AP U.S. Government and Politics (446 cards)>> AP World History (1237 cards)> Flashcards cover key terms, people, places, definitions, formulas, and concepts based on the official AP course outline.> Easily choose specific course topics to study. See the full list for each course at http://www.k12.com/mobile-apps/ap-topics. > Simply swipe or tap to flip a card and then sort it into “Got It” or “Study Again” piles.> A 10-Card Blitz mode offers quick, on-the-go study of the topics you most need to review.> Settings allow you to change a countdown timer for cards, randomize when and how cards appear, or show only unmastered cards.> Stats show topic by topic what you’ve mastered, still need to study, or haven’t seen yet.> Unlock all cards for just the courses you need with a one-time in-app purchase of just a few dollars per course.> This app is totally free of ads. > No Internet connection is required; use this app anytime and anywhere.LITE vs. Full VersionThis Lite version gives you free access to a few dozen flashcards from all 11 AP courses to try. You can unlock all the cards for just the course you need with a one-time in-app purchase of just a few dollars per course. The Lite version is perfect for students or teachers focused on just one or two AP courses.Teachers and Administrators: Need a version without in-app purchase to download for your school or district? Search the store for the full paid version, which has the same content but does *not* include in-app purchase like this Lite version. It’s perfect for gift card use or bulk school downloads by teachers or administrators as well as for use on class, library, or department-shared tablets.More AP Apps and CoursesAP Exam Review Flashcards LITE is part of a family of AP exam prep apps. If you’re ready to move beyond simple flashcards to a complete study guide with full exam simulations, free response and essay practice, and much more, look for AP Exam Prep under for more apps from K12 Inc. or visit http://www.k12.com/mobile-apps/AP. About This AppAP Exam Review Flashcards LITE was created by K12 Inc. and Fuel Education as part of its comprehensive AP curriculum.Learn more about K12 full- and part-time virtual school options at http://www.k12.com/what-is-k12. For information on online AP courses options for schools or districts, visit http://getfueled.com/solutions. For questions or help with technical problems, e-mail mobile@k12.com. Note: AP®, Advanced Placement Program®, and College Board® are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.更多