The Golden Boys and Their New Electric Cell A Series of Stories for Boys 12 to 16 Years of Age BY L. P. WYMAN, PH.D. CHAPTER I. THE NEW CELL. I don't know, Bob, the theory is all right, but how it will work outin practice is a cat of another color; one thing is sure, though, andthat is if it don't work we are out of the running in the race, forthe new boat the Jenkins boys have just bought, will run circles roundthe Sprite. This conversation took place one afternoon in the latter part of Julyin the basement of a house in Skowhegan, Maine. The room was fitted upas a combined workshop and laboratory, and a single glance wouldindicate that the two boys were by no means novices, for it containedmany expensive and intricate pieces of machinery. Jack and Bob Golden, 15 and 17 years old respectively, were sons of arich manufacturer, who had made a large part of his fortune throughhis own inventions. Mr. Golden was an indulgent father and seeing thathis inventive genius had descended to his sons, had fitted up a modernmachine shop and laboratory for them and had supplied them liberallywith money for experiments. He had by no means been disappointed inthe results, for although they were but boys, they had already workedout several designs, which had been patented and had proved verysuccessful. Mr. Golden was proud of his boys and with good reason. They were largefor their age, Bob standing 5 feet 10 inches in his stockings and Jackbeing but two inches shorter. They were fine, manly, looking fellows,and their clean-cut open faces told that they were generous to a faultand were boys to be trusted. The rest of the family consisted of Mrs. Golden, a small lovablewoman, and a daughter Edna, 14 years old, who was almost worshipped byher big brothers. Altogether they were as happy and jolly a family asone would find in a long journey. Read more... 黄金男孩和他们的新电气细胞 年龄12至16岁的男孩的一系列故事 由L. P.纬博士 第一章 新的小区。 “嘿,杰克,你有什么想法,这件事情是去工作吗?” “我不知道,鲍勃的理论是完全正确的,但它会如何工作在实践中是猫的另一种颜色,有一点是肯定的,虽然和是,如果它不工作,我们在比赛中的运行,詹金斯男孩刚才买新船,将运行圈圆雪碧。“ “好了,我们很快就会知道,它是关于准备测试。” 这段对话发生在7月下旬的一个下午在缅因州Skowhegan,缅因州一所房子的地下室。房间里安装了联合车间和实验室,一眼望表明,这两个男孩绝不是新手,因为它包含许多昂贵和复杂的机械件。 杰克和鲍勃金,分别为15和17岁,是一个儿子丰富的制造商,谁做了他的财富很大一部分通过他自己的发明。金先生是一个放纵的父亲看到,他的发明天才已经下降到他的儿子,已经适应了现代机加工车间和实验室为他们提供了他们宽松实验用钱。他绝不失望结果,虽然他们可是孩子们,他们已经工作了几个设计,已获国家专利,并已被证明是非常成功的。 金先生是他的孩子们感到骄傲,并有很好的理由。他们是大他们的年龄,鲍勃站在5英尺10英寸,他的丝袜和杰克但2英寸短。他们细腻,男人味,寻找同伴,干净剖开面告诉,他们慷慨故障,,男孩被信任。 其他家庭成员包括金夫人,小可爱女人,和一个女儿埃德娜,14岁,几乎是崇拜她的大哥哥。他们一共为作为家庭幸福和欢乐人会发现,在一个漫长的旅程。 阅读全文... 更多