***Please use this app to find bikes only in the US***The most comprehensive bike finder on the market! Search all the best classified and online marketplaces with one search. Websites searched include, but aren’t limited to, Craigslist, eBay, Oodle, Backpage, and Kijiji. Finding the best, more affordable bikes no longer has to be hard or time consuming. Use Bikes for Sale to negotiate prices too! Show sellers that you can find a similar bike for less down the street and watch as they accept your lower offer. Whether you are an avid biker, a reseller, or a parent looking for a quality bike for your child, utilize Bikes for Sale to get the best deal today.To Use:* Search with a keyword phrase (mountain bike, sports bike, kids bike).* Enter in a zip code OR city and state.* Key in a price range to only see cheap bikes or discounted bikes that you can afford.* Send your search to get your bikes for sale results; see listings from across the internet.* Sort your list based on location, price, or title.* Tap a listing to see the full for sale listing online.* Tap a phone number to auto dial the seller.Features:* Search all the best classifieds and online marketplaces at once.* See summary of for sale listing (i.e.) price, picture, short description, and more.* Sort listings based on price, title, or location.* Remove bike listings or for sale posts for easy comparing, click the red X.* Forward a listing onto a friend via email, Facebook, or Twitter via green share icon.* Add a listing to your favorites, click the yellow star icon.* Select all or unselect all.* Share multiple listings via Facebook, email, or Twitter.* Delete multiple listings at once.* Use action menu to favorite multiple listings at once.* Click action menu to view your favorites.* Click listing to see the full for sale bike ad on original website (i.e Craigslist).* Auto dialer sellers with one tap!* Easily start a new search to try a different keyword or keyword phrase.If you have any questions, comments, need troubleshooting assistance, or if you would like to have this android app customized to fit your personal wants and needs, please contact us directly at mail@motiont.com.