1. How do I download and install the app on my phone?
- Provide clear instructions on how to download and install the app from the app store or website. Include step-by-step guidelines and screenshots if possible.
2. How do I register for the app?
- Create an intuitive and user-friendly GUI for the registration process. Clearly explain the required information and guide the user through each step.
3. How do I synchronize my app with the control signals from the server?
- Clearly explain the synchronization process, including how to connect to the server and receive the control signals. Provide troubleshooting tips for any synchronization issues that may arise.
4. How do I know when to hold up my phone during the concert?
- Clearly communicate the instructions to the user, both through the app interface and through announcements or visuals at the concert. Use intuitive icons or notifications to indicate when to hold up the phone.
5. How do I ensure that my phone's screen is visible