Palette Helper is a simple utility app made to generate color palettes of images using Google's fantastic Palette library. It's mostly a for-fun pet project, and intended as such for anyone that wants to see what kind of results the library churns out for images. I hope it might also be useful to any designers that want to design a color palette around a given scene or image.The flow is pretty simple. You can either choose to open an image from storage, or take one from your camera (if you feel like capturing a scene). You can also share an image with the app via the system's intent system.The app is completely open source, and can be found on GitHub: thanks for my friend Emil Sjlander for the icon art!Explanation of permissions:=====================INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - For downloading images via URL and analytics/crash reporting.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This also covers reading from internal storage. This is so the app can tell the camera where to store the image if you want to capture an image, and also to load an image from internal storage.更多