Zoon Tablet Antivirus is an android application used to scan the files of the tablet for viruses. This application is free version made for tablets. Features:• User can scan all the files present in the tablet.• It is user friendly and simple application.• User can share the application with his/her friends from the app by “Share” option.• It has the option of rating the application where, user can rate the application and give the feedback about the application by “Rate Us” option. 扩大范围的平板杀毒软件是用来扫描平板电脑有病毒的文件,一个Android应用程序。此应用程序是为平板电脑制作的免费版本。 产品特点:•用户可以扫描所有出现在平板电脑中的文件。•它是用户友好,简单的应用程序。•用户可以从应用程序的他/她的朋友通过“共享”选项共享的应用程序。•它具有评价的应用程序,其中,用户能率的应用,并给予了有关“利率我们”选项,应用程序反馈的选项。 更多