Epic-Droid is an Android application that allows you to connect to your Epicor 9 ERP system and retrieve real-time information from your server Key features of Epic-Droid: • Select Company and Plant that you wish to work with. • Retrieve data from most of Epicor 9 Business Objects by selecting from the Epicor Menu the associated Entry Screen, apply filters on the data to fetch and view a list of the Tables and their related fields. • Retrieve a list of Business Activity Queries (system or custom) data anywhere and anytime. • Review real-time analytics by creating Executive Queries at Epicor 9 and expose them to Business Activity Queries to be retrieved at your mobile platform Note: To use Epic-Droid you need to have a valid license and logon credentials at your Epicor 9 Server, and have installed the required Business Object Web-services. The process flow depends on your role in the back-end system and any applied security restrictions. 史诗Droid是一个Android应用程序,可让您从您的服务器连接到您的EPICOR ERP系统,并获取实时信息 史诗Droid的主要功能: •选择,你想工作的公司和工厂。 EPICOR 9 Business Objects公司选择从的EPICOR菜单中,相关的输入屏幕中检索数据,应用过滤器的数据获取和查看列表的表及其相关领域。 •恢复商业活动查询(系统或自定义)的数据,随时随地的列表。 •审查实时分析EPICOR 9通过创建执行查询和检索您的移动平台,使他们的商业活动查询 注:使用Epic的Droid,你需要有一个有效的许可证和EPICOR 9服务器的登录凭据,并安装了所需的业务对象的Web服务。的工艺流程取决于你的角色在后端系统和应用的任何安全限制。 更多