MjpSoft GpsSms 2 free test version with limited functionality The intention of this App is to make your driving safer by:1. Send an Sms Message to a selected Reciever based on your Gps Position on road to your destination.2. Automatically reply with an Sms to any incoming Sms Message or Phone Call.Primary function of this App is that you can let your phone automatically send an Sms to someone eg. waiting for your arrival.This works by first selecting the Reciever from your Phone Book, then finding their Geodata with the inbuilt Google Maps interface and finally choosing the Distance from the Reciever that the message shall be sent at.Secondary, it can reply to any incoming Call or Sms with a Sms message *(and it can announce an incoming Sms over your Phones Loudspeaker).This test version features non-editable reply messages and a fixed 100 meters distance for the Gps triggered message.* this feature is not included in test version.