Shake your phone and receive immortal words of wisdom (that are really just funny phrases and sayings) from our resident Old Wise Man to guide you through your life all the way towards enlightenment, and, coincidentally, untold riches, or may be just for a chuckle. Shake it again to get more words of wisdom, or another chuckle. * Your mileage on the way to untold riches may vary. As well as chuckles. 摇动你的手机和接收从我们驻地的老智者引导你走过你的人生一路走向启蒙,而巧合的是,数不清的财富,也可能是只是一个不朽的智慧的话(真的只是有趣的短语和谚语)轻笑。摇了一遍,以获得更多的话,智慧,或其他轻笑。 *您的里程数不清的财富的方式上可能会有所不同。除了笑。 更多