Introducing the official Wilton Mall app – your digital shopping center companion. MALL DIRECTORY -- browse by category or view stores alphabetically with detailed info, map location and phone number for every retailer or dining establishment. INTERACTIVE MAP – search for and get turn-by-turn directions to individual stores, restrooms, escalators, elevators, ATMs and other mall amenities. PRODUCT SEARCH powered by Retailigence — simply type in the product you’re looking for and get instant results that include pictures, descriptions, and availability of merchandise within stores at your center. VIRTUAL CONCIERGE — use our voice activated virtual concierge to search for stores, sales, restrooms, products and more. SALES EVENTS – view a detailed listing of sales and events going on at the center and even create a favorites list to help plan your shopping trip. WHERE DID I PARK? – save your parking location by using your phone’s GPS, taking a photo, recording a voice note or typing a text reminder to easily locate your vehicle. SHOPPING LIST – get organized by creating a custom shopping list. For every item on your list, select the retailers you’d like to visit and locate them on the mall map with one touch. You can even email your shopping list for others to view. 介绍官方商城威尔顿应用程序 - 你的数码购物中心伴侣。 MALL目录 - 浏览按类别或视图店详细信息,地图位置和电话号码,每个零售商或餐厅建立字母。 地图 - 寻找并获得转由转动方向,以个体商店,洗手间,自动扶梯,电梯,自动柜员机和其他商场设施。 搭载Retailigence产品搜索 - 只需键入你想要的产品,并得到立竿见影的效果,包括图片,描述和商品供应商店内你的中心。 虚拟门房 - 使用我们的语音激活的虚拟礼宾搜索商店,销售,厕所,产品等等。 销售及活动 - 查看销售活动正在进行的中心,甚至创建一个收藏夹列表,以帮助计划您的购物之旅的详细列表。 WHERE DID我园? - 使用手机的GPS,拍摄照片,录制语音注释,或键入文本提醒很容易地找到你的车辆节省您的停车位置。 购物清单 - 通过创建一个自定义的购物清单组织起来。对于你的名单上的每个项目,选择您想参观,并找到他们的商场地图上有一个触摸的零售商。你甚至可以通过电子邮件发送你的购物清单以供他人查看。 更多