Install this App on your phone and If next time you’re in an unfortunate proximity to an alien invasion or find yourself in a robot-uprising scenario, you will be having an option to send your message along with your Location to dear ones. This app has 1)Sending Safe/Emergency/Custom Messages + Your Current Location To Care Takers List.1 A) Clicking Safe Button === message to care Takers 1 B)Clicking Emergency === messages to care takers1 C)You can change and Set your own custom message via settings 2) Adding Your Dear ones as Care Takers/Well Wishers List via Going to Contact Page3) Adding Your Dear ones as Care Takers/Well Wishers List via Receiving SMS (Having Custom Msg set by you in setting) 4) Auto Responder when enabled...sends Msg Automatically to any New Care Takers Added to List.5)You have a choice to send you current Location in your SMS. 您的手机上安装这个应用程序,如果下一次你发现自己在一个不幸的接近外星人入侵 机器人起义场景中,你将有一个选项来发送邮件,连同您的位置亲人。 这个程序有 1)发送安全/紧急/自定义消息+您当前的位置要照顾考生名单。1)单击“安全”按钮===发送“我很安全”的消息照顾者1 B)按一下紧急===照顾者发送“紧急”消息1)您可以更改和设置自己的自定义设置消息 2)添加通过去联系你的亲人照顾者/井好心人名单3)通过接收短讯(你设置的自定义消息集添加你的亲人照顾者/井好心人名单) 4)自动应答启用时发送消息自动添加任何新的照顾者列出。5)你有一个选择,给您当前的位置在您的短信。 更多