The 7110.65 contained in this app is version V Change 1 published on July 24th, 2014.ATC Assistant was developed with the air traffic control students in mind, people who are just curious about the air traffic system, and even the most seasoned of controllers who want to brush up on some rules. This application is for educational purposes.ATC Assistant has the following features included: • The 7110.65• Airport/NAVAID information (via• Approach charts (FAA in app link)• TFR’s (FAA in app link)• NOTAM’s (FAA in app link)• Various FAA publications (FAA in app link)• A full searchable glossary of the 7110.65Premium includes search and an function for the links.Please email us or leave a comment with suggestions or changes. We have implemented nearly every suggestion received and would love to hear what you all would like to see from ATC Assistant in the future!Thank you and enjoy ATC Assistant!!*Note* - This application is made in my spare time and may not reflect the current version of the 7110.65, always check the application description to ensure you are viewing the correct and up to date version of the .65.更多