Java is the most powerful development language. It is also used in android app development.If you want to develop android app or java application. You need to learn JAVA language first.This app explains all java basic + advance programming concepts.This app covers all the basics of Java Programming and is also suitable for both beginners and professionals. If you are searching app for Java Interview Questions and answers, This app also help you. It has 166 questions-answers and covers almost all.App contains... 1. Tutorials: Downloading and installing java in windows, Hello world, Data and variables, Operators, Loops, methods, arrays, class and objects, interface etc..2. Sample Codes: 26 basic sample codes3. Interview Questions 63 Basic, 30 JSP, 23 Servlet and 50 Hibernate Interview questions and answers.4. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overloading and overriding, Interface, encapsulation, packages etc...5. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Introduction,Stub and Skeleton and Sample program of RMI !6. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Basic queries with CRUD,Sort etc...7. Socket Programming Introduction and it's sample Program8. Other topics Applets, AWT Vs Swing, File Handling and Multi-threading etc...P.S: You can share contents with your friends on social media or E-Mail !