QoS/NBAR - NetAssistant Tool allows the user to create a Network Devices Inventory of Cisco IOS Routers by location and running the appropriate device QoS/NBAR level commands to collect and monitor Protocol/Application usage information from the active devices.The first-time Tool user needs to "Sign Up" first following the installation of the Tool to define a local user and password; then create a Network by clicking on the "Create Network" button to fill-in the Network name and Details fields. Multiple networks are supported at the same time to meet and to enhance user preferences in viewing networks.From the created list of Networks the user can access a defined network to generate a Map where they can apply a long touch on the screen on the location of the Router device to see a Cisco router icon followed by a short click on the device icon to get the popup bubble.This free package is limited to only 1 Network with a single devices only.The popup bubble for each of the defined Router devices includes a "Settings" icon which links the user to the device's credentials which the user needs to fill-in as per the actual router configuration.The information to fill-in are:1. The Router's IP Address or DNS Name2. The Router's UserName (or HTTP Client UserName) 3. The router Password (or HTTP Client User Password)The Router QoS/NBAR commands profile is accessed by clicking on the device popup bubble in the area of the device name/ip and the icon. The Tool is designed for Cisco IOS based network routers and switches and exploits the HTTP Server IOS feature architecture by applying the [ip http server] command. The user needs to define the appropriate username and password from the device and has the opportunity to also create an HTTP client user and associated password for each defined device credentials in the inventory. The Cisco IOS Router QoS/NBAR Commands supported on this package are:- Show Top 10 Protocol Traffic command;This command shows the top 10 Protocol traffic utilization. - Top 10 Protocol Bit Rate command;This command shows the top 10 Protocol bit rate throughput utilization. - Show a specific Protocol Statistics;This command shows the user specified Protocol traffic utilization.Please send us a message to support@wsnetsolutions.com for inquiries.更多