Welcome to the Bizness Apps Preview App! With this application, you have the power to login to any app you are building while using the Bizness Apps app building platform. You now have the ability to bring your app into the physical world in order to test exactly what it will be like when published to the app store. Use this tool to fine tune the features, appearances and animations to best display your business in an extremely powerful mobile application. Simply download the previewer, login with your credentials and preview your single app, or even your app dashboard. Head over to our app building platform at BiznessApps.com today to begin building beautiful applications using our advanced yet simplified CMS. 欢迎来到Bizness应用程序预览应用程序! 有了这个应用程序,你必须登录到任何应用程序在使用Bizness应用程序的建设的平台正在构建的权力。现在,您可以把您的应用程序到物理世界,以测试它到底会是什么时候发布到应用商店的能力等。使用此工具可以微调的功能,外观和动画中的一个非常强大的移动应用程序,以最佳的显示您的业务。 只需下载预览,你的登录凭据并预览单一的应用程序,甚至是你的应用程序仪表板。头部到我们的应用程序构建平台BiznessApps.com今天开始使用我们先进但简单CMS构建美丽的应用程序。 更多