Calligraphy Date Time Widget by stanlm New, totally free. no ads, no permissions, no cost. This widget is very simple, it might seem too simple, let me explain why I made it and what makes it a little different. Other date widgets have lots of themes or options, instead, this one focuses on one particularly elaborate pre-rendered layered theme. If you need a lot of options, you'll want to pass this one. If you happen to like this particular calligraphy typeface, that has been adapted to a mobile date time widget with carefully tuned blending and shadow effects, then you might find this widget a fun option to have on your phone. Side effects include time in 24h or am/pm style, and tinting options available in 3 or 5 colors at the moment, and I'm open to add more options on request. Justification is fixed to the right and size options are from a few widget size selections. For the most part it's going to look like what is shown in the screenshots above. (You can turn off the 'stanlm apps' label in the options, it's not an annoying always-there label) For further questions or suggestions, please email Related keywords:Beautiful Date WidgetCalligraphy Date WidgetScript Date and Time WidgetUnique Date WidgetCalligraphy Clock Widget 书法日期和时间插件工具通过stanlm 新的,完全免费。没有广告,没有权限,没有成本。 这个小工具是非常简单的,它似乎太简单了,让我解释为什么我做了什么使得它有点不同。 其他日期的小部件有很多的主题或选项,而不是,这其中的重点是一个特别复杂的预渲染的分层主题。如果你需要很多的选择,你会想通过这一个。 如果你碰巧喜欢这个特殊的书法字体,已经适应了手机的日期和时间部件与精心调校的混合和阴影效果,那么你可能会发现这个小工具一个有趣的选项,让您的手机上。 副作用包括时间24小时或AM / PM的风格,并提供3或5种颜色,此刻着色选项,我愿意补充要求更多的选择。 理由是固定的选项是从几个小部件的大小选择合适和大小。在大多数情况下它会看起来像什么是显示在上面的屏幕截图。 (你可以在选项关闭'stanlm应用程序“标签,它不是一个恼人永远有标签) 对于进一步的问题或建议,请发送电子邮件至 相关关键词:漂亮的日期窗口小部件书法日期控件脚本的日期和时间控件独特的Widget日期书法时钟小工具 更多