Filter and choose who you want to speak to. Block hidden numbers and others of your choice. Get a log of the blocked calls. The phone will hang-up immediately when the call arrives. Click the little booklet icon to reach your phone book and pick some numbers. To remove a number from the list, just click on it in the list. Very easy to use. The application can also send a personalized text message (SMS)that will be sent at the time the incoming call is barred. Trick: In order to bar a number in local format, insert it in your Contacts. The application will convert from local format (0620166849) to international format number (+33620166849). Trick 2:After a complete stop of your Android telephone, the Autostart on Boot parameter must have been previously selected for the choosen numbers to be barred. If not you must restart manually the application. 过滤和选择你想要谁说话。阻止隐藏的数字,其他人你的选择。封锁来电的记录。这款手机将立即挂断呼叫到达时。点击小小册子图标,以达到您的电话簿和挑选一些数字。从列表中删除号码,只要按一下就可以在列表中。使用非常简单。 应用程序也可以发送个性化短信(SMS),将禁止呼入的时间发送。 绝招:为了禁止一些以本地格式,将在您的联系人。该应用程序将转换本地格式(0620166849),以国际格式号码(33620166849)。 招数2:引导参数自动启动,必须完全停止你的Android电话后,先前已选定的号码选择要限制。如果没有,你必须手动重新启动该应用程序。 更多