Times Music presents you the most Potent mantra - “Krishna Mantra” The birth of Krishna is in itself a transcendental phenomenon that generates awe among the Hindus and overwhelms one and all with its supra mundane happenings.Krishna is Usually regarded as the eight incarnation of Lord Vishnu and was born in the Dvarpara Yuga as the “Dark One”. Lord Krishna is the embodiment of love and divine joy, that destroys all pain and sin. He is the protector os sacred utterances and cows. Krishna is an instigator of all forms of knowledge and born to establish the religion of love. 时报音乐呈现你最有力的口头禅 - “克里希纳咒” 克里希纳的诞生本身就是一种超然的现象产生印度教徒之间的敬畏和压倒一个个都与超世俗发生的事情。克里希纳通常被看作是八化身主毗湿奴和出生在Dvarpara纪的“黑暗”之一。克利须那神是爱和神圣欢乐的实施方案中,破坏所有的痛苦和罪孽。他是在保护操作系统神圣的言论和奶牛。克里希纳是所有形式的知识和天生建立爱的宗教煽动者。 更多