All Breaking News Pro, India's only app that brings all the important news to your mobile on real time basis. This is a must have for anyone who enjoys staying up-to-date with the latest breaking news.All Breaking News Pro brings real time news to your fingertips. Stay up to date on all news from your favorite newspaper and news channels any time of the day.All Breaking News Pro brings all news into one single App.Real time General news from :-Times of India, Headlines Today, Times Now, ABP News ,The Hindu, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, India Today,Mid-day,Mumbai Mirror,Daily News and Analysis and many more sources. Real time Business news from :-Economic Times, Business Standard,ET NOW,CNBC TV18,CNBC AWAAZ,Reuters India,Bloomberg India,NDTV Profit,Zee Business,DNA Money,IBN Live,HT Money,Outlook Today,Business Today,Financial Express,Moneycontrol and many more sources.Real time Entertainment news from :-UTV stars,HT Entertainment,Screen India,Zoom Tv,TOI Entertainment, and many more sources.Real time Sports news from :-Star Sports,TOI Sports, News,Cricket NDTV,Express Sports,Live Cricket Scores and many more sources.Real time International news from:-BBC News,CNN Breaking News,Reuters Top News,Fox News,Bloomberg News,AI Jazeera English,ABC7 Eyewitness news and many more sources.Real time Tech news from:-TOI Tech,Gadget Guru,NDTV Gadgets,Tech2, and many more sources.Terms of use: All Breaking News Pro App does not own the news content, it is sourced from newspapers and TV channels.更多