Sooner or later, screensaves, preestablished in the mobile device the manufacturer, bother, and the user thirsts new wall-paper for the working screen, including - live and volume.Inhale life in the screen of phone. Thanks to unlimited imagination of the artists-animators, new Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper have included only the most colourful and unique scenes, capable to please an eye of the user day by day. Live Wallpaper this type possess so tremendous realness that to a picture it would be desirable to touch and take it in hands. Excellent dynamics of movement allows to avoid a sad kind of a theme: on the house screen of phone the mobile and colourful picture which will contribute a share of good mood in the most sad conditions will be established. Full compatibility of the appendix. Live wall-paper Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper is excellently combined with the majority of versions of OS Android that is why approach for all advanced users. Change of pictures makes parallax effect, providing smooth and unpredictable transfusions of images. Fans of colourful registration of the smart phone cannot resist before Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper , capable to introduce in standard photos wall-paper a variety and singularity shred.Obvious advantages. To download live wall-paper Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper it is possible absolutely free of charge, without доната and the big expenses of time. It is not necessary to put sad any more and immovable pictures on the prompt, after all each user is capable to estimate features Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper and advantages of this appendix over others:- The picturesque and colourful scenes filled with life;- Mobile three-dimensional screens;- The small size for storage;- Absence of influence on a battery charge;- Possibility to move on a flash card for storage.High indicators of productivity. The appendix has been tested on the advanced models of smart phones under control of Android: Samsung Galaxy S4 and Sony Xperia Z. Also, testers have not avoided also owners of such devices as HTC One or Nexus 7. On all phones has been noted stable and appendix trouble-free work, absence of bugs. Thanks to diligence of developers, the highest degree of detailed elaboration of a picture that is rather important for devices with the large screen of the high permission has been reached. It is possible not to doubt that the appendix will correspond to a high class of the IPS-display, rendering the user the sated and deep colour of animated wall-paper. Besides, the appendix is established almost instantly, thanks to the small size adjusting Package, and its work does not occupy some a considerable share of a hardware resource of the smart phone that allows to establish in a constant mode only the freshest and qualitative themes on the house screen of phone.Henceforth - only colourful screensave. For installation Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper it is necessary to visit only the section of a site devoted to registration of the menu of phones, to pass in a category "Wallpaper", and from it - in "Live wallpaper". Now on the Android-device screen only the vital topics, capable to cause set of bright emotions and impressions not only at the owner, but also friends, colleagues. Autumn 3D Live Wallpaper it is completely compatible to all devices, without dependence from the used version of OS Android, however at casual occurrence of incorrect work of the appendix, we ask to inform us on any noticed malfunctions.更多