Easily perform a reverse phone lookup of any unknown number in your call history(or entered manually) to identify businesses, bill collectors, spam, scams, telemarketers, fraud, and more. After caller info is found, user can: ★ Block future calls from that number / send to voicemail★ Discuss the call with other users★ Save as a new contact★ Dial the number★ Map the caller's location without leaving the app★ Expand the search to popular search engines like Google with one tap★ And more! 100% free and anonymous, with no login , no subscription, and no in-app purchases required. If you enjoy this app but would prefer it without ads, please check out our paid version - Reverse Lookup Plus. It contains the same functionality, without advertising, for a one-time fee that helps support development of future updates. The choice is yours! Need Help?If you have any trouble, please read the Notes and FAQ sections below and if they don't answer your question, please send us an email so we can help you. We read and respond to every single email we receive, usually within a few hours. Reviews doubling as support requests are difficult to follow up on properly and sometimes we may miss them altogether. Frequently Asked Questionshttp://nomadicratio.com/frequently-asked-questions-reverse-lookup/ Notes• There are NO fees associated with this app whatsoever.• There is no public directory for cellphones, so we cannot get much data on them, sorry.• This app returns *publicly available data as published by phone companies*.• If information returned is outdated, it's because it's outdated in the phone company's directory.• The location being returned is typically the billing address or carrier's office for that number. It is not possible to return GPS data.• CITY ID must be disabled for this app to work correctly.. it hijacks your call log! See our site for details. PERMISSIONSBecause we value privacy and respect yours, we'd like you to know what permissions are used for in this app.If you'd like a more detailed explanation, please visit http://nomadicratio.com/word-android-permissions/•INTERNET - required to reach lookup databases•READ CONTACTS / WRITE CONTACTS - read is used to filter out known numbers from being listed as well as determining which numbers to show a notification for. write is used to create contacts•CALL PHONE - for one click calling after a lookup is complete•READ PHONE STATE - used to create notifications when an unknown number calls(if set in preferences)•NETWORK STATE - to ensure you have a data connection when using the app•GET ACCOUNTS - used to attach contacts to your primary Google account(required for the setting to work). old method of creating these contacts did not require this permission but that did not work on some devices.•READ CALL LOG - to list your unknown calls on the main screen•WRITE SD CARD - required for embedded Google Maps(temporary cache files for improved map performance) 轻松地执行任意数目不详的反向电话查询你的通话记录(或手动输入)确定的企业,法案收藏家,垃圾邮件,诈骗,电话推销,诈骗等。 后来电信息发现,用户可以: ★阻止未来的呼叫从数/发送到语音邮件★讨论与其他用户通话★另存为一个新的联系人★拨打号码★地图呼叫者的位置,而无需离开应用程序★将搜索范围扩大到像谷歌流行的搜索引擎有一个水龙头★还有更多! 100%免费,匿名,没有登陆,没有申购,也没有在应用程序需要购买。 如果你喜欢这个程序,但我们更希望它没有广告,请查看我们的付费版本 - 反向查找加。它包含了相同的功能,没有广告,为一次性收费,可以帮助未来的更新支持发展。选择是你的! 需要帮助吗?如果你有任何问题,请阅读注意事项和常见问题解答部分下面,如果他们不回答你的问题,请发送邮件给我们,以便我们能够帮助您。我们阅读和回应我们收到的每一个电子邮件,通常在几个小时内。评论加倍的支持请求难以跟进正确的,有时我们可能会完全错过它们。 常见问题http://nomadicratio.com/frequently - 问 - 题 - 反lookup/ 注意•没有与此程序相关的任何不收费。•对于手机没有公开目录,所以我们不能让他们的数据,不好意思。•这个程序返回*可公开获得的数据由电话公司*出版。•如果返回的信息是过时的,这是因为它已经过时了电话公司的目录。•被返回的位置通常帐单地址,或该号码运营商的办公室。它不可能返回GPS数据。•城市标识必须为这个应用程序禁用正常工作..它劫持您的呼叫记录!请参阅我们的网站了解详细信息。 权限因为我们重视隐私,尊重你的,我们想让你知道什么权限在此应用程序使用。如果您想更详细的说明,请访问http://nomadicratio.com/word-Android的permissions/ •互联网 - 需要达到的查找数据库•读取联系人/写入电话 - 阅读是用来从过滤已知的数字被列以及确定以显示通知的数量。写用于创建“发送到语音邮件”接触•拨打电话 - 为点击通话功能的查找后完成•读取手机状态 - 用于创建通知一个未知号码的电话时(如在首选项中设置)•网络状态 - 要确保你有一个数据连接使用的应用程序时,•获得账户 - 用于将“发送到语音邮件”接触到您的主谷歌帐户(用于设置工作)。创建这些触点老方法并不需要这个权限,但没有在某些设备上工作。•阅读呼叫记录 - 列出你的主屏幕上的未知来电•写入SD卡 - 用于嵌入谷歌地图(临时缓存文件,以提高地图的表现) 更多