The Elixir is a small radio station that broadcasts clearly to the Internet! Here you can listen to that new move and of course to spend your free time! The Elixir opened a few months ago but continually rises continuously update with all the issues, because despite the crisis we did not get stuck! We strive daily to live many different competitions you raise the morale! This is our job and we do it every day for you! Stay with us and we will become the elixir for you, so the name of course! About team Elixir-Radio, We're not exactly a big, Elixir consists of a group of 3 children who wants to do what they like trying to give a few moments of joy and relaxation to listeners! You can learn all about when there is a live broadcast here. Thank you for choosing us Yours,Elixir-Radio Team 该药剂是一个小电台的广播清楚的互联网! 在这里,您可以收听到,新的举措,当然要度过你的空闲时间! 药剂打开几个月前,但不断上升不断更新的所有问题,因为尽管危机中,我们并没有被卡住了! 我们努力每天住了很多不同的比赛,你提出的士气!这是我们的工作,我们每天为您! 留与我们联系,我们将成为灵药你,这样的名字当然! 关于团队药剂广播, 我们并不非常大,药剂由一组3个孩子,谁愿意做他们喜欢尝试给片刻的喜悦和放松听众的! 您可以了解所有关于这里有一个现场直播。 感谢您选择我们 此致,药剂无线电队 更多